The Poetry Spot

Welcome to the poetry spot. Here you will find some of my favorite and most personal pieces, some new work and, even sneak peeks into the next book. It is my hope that you find something here that resonates with you and that you can carry with you forever.

Cierra Antoinette


A thank you to those that walked

with me on this journey.

Whether you held my hand or cheered me

on from the bleachers, I appreciate you.

Every push got me to this point; whether it

was a push of encouragement or one that

knocked me down, so I had to get back up.

You all contributed to the woman that I've become,

For that, I am grateful even if I didn't

understand at the time.

A special thank you to my mother.

You are my rock.

I thank you for being strong for everyone

even in your hardest times.

I thank you for raising me to be who I am.

I love you.

A special thank you to my friends.

Words can't begin to compare to the support

you've given me over the years.

I appreciate you all.

To the reader,

Healing is essential. It's not pretty or easy.

It's not quick. But it is always worth it.

You are always worth it.

Don't ever think otherwise.

- Cierra Antoinette ‘The Embers of My Heart’s Fire’

There was a tweet that said to write about a lover you almost had but lost. So, here you go.

I remember the day I chose to love you. I sat and stared, taking you in. Those chocolate eyes and that smile. I sat and thought about how charming you are. How smart, giving, and loving you are. How I watched you grow into the beautiful woman you are and was beyond proud. How you were so innocent. So gentle. I also remember the day I lost you. The fire in your eyes faded for me then began to burn brightly for her. I watched you smitten with an attraction I couldn’t break. She was no good for you and I knew it but being blinded by love only made it more difficult to be seen, so I let you be. This happened time and time again. This went on, woman after woman. And each time I stood aside and watched it happen. I wondered for the longest when it would be my chance. When you’d finally love me. But I've also realized that regardless of who you love I’ll always love you. I’ll always be there for you. I’ll always be prepared to catch you when you fall. I’m waiting on the day for you to realize that loving me is a love that’ll never fail you.




-          April 6th, 2020. 12:26 am

- Cierra Antoinette ‘The Embers of My Heart’s Fire’



I remember everything about you

I remember our first conversation along with the promises and plans we made

How the butterflies in my stomach were once caterpillars until you gave them the courage to be beautiful.

You gave me the courage to be beautiful.

I remember how we faded and how I wanted you to save me.

…why couldn’t you save me?

Honestly, you still cross my mind.

The way we met and connected instantly.

The way you cared for me.

My smile still carries you.

My pen still writes for you.

My schedule never too busy to fit you and.

I know better…

I know I deserve better,

But I also know you can be better.

Call me crazy but I still have hope.

The truth is I wish you cared more about me.

… I wish I cared less about you.

I wish the memories we had were still only things I dreamt about

Maybe It was wanting you for so long and losing you so quickly.

Maybe it was the questions I ask myself like “what did I do wrong? Why wasn’t I enough?”

Even though I was good to you.

Savored you like the last bit of food from a meal I knew I’d never get again

Prayed for you more than myself

Used the last bit of strength in me to try and save you

But I’m no superwoman.

Hell, I even took you to meet my dad.

Some memories I can deal with,

Like the way, your lips felt against mine

Or the way your tongue traced my spine

Or the way you looked at me from behind

Those memories are my pleasure

Our conversations are my pain

How do you get someone to bare their soul to you just to abandon them?

You started reading my book the left me unattended without so much as a warning.

The way they leave always tells you everything

You left me lying in my ruin and although I’ve picked myself up, a part of me is still lying there…

I remember you in a way I shouldn’t.

In a way, I wish never existed.

I remember you way more than I wish I did.

- Cierra Antoinette ‘Letters I’ll Never Send’

Letters I’ll Never Send

You know why I write letters I’ll never send?

Sometimes it’s because I feel like the recipient won’t care.

Sometimes it’s because I believe that writing will somehow make it all make sense.

Other time’s it’s because I feel like maybe I’ll find the answer within myself.

Recently though, it’s because they don’t get a choice.

You see I used to write these letters for answers and validation,

to feel like I was enough to fight for.

Letters because I didn’t want to be annoying by sending a paragraph that wasn’t going to receive a response anyway

But not anymore.

I don’t get to be reeled back in by the same promises as empty as their hearts.

I don’t get to be an option to your “I’m not ready, but you are what I want.”

I don’t get to be made into the antagonist for picking me

Or for choosing to genuinely be happy.

Not this time.

These letters could very well not mean shit to anyone else.

They could be read by the recipients and discarded,

They can bring up questions and trigger conversations.

Hopefully, you find peace in all these things.

These letters are my peace.

These letters are me letting go.

These letters are by me, for me,

They may be to you,

But please understand these are letters I’ll never send

Because your response no longer has a bearing on how I chose to heal.

- Cierra Antoinette ‘Letters I’ll Never Send’